drone data collection

Once you find a function you want you can hit tab now let’s just look at some if this has been around forever it only adds with one condition notice the screen tip range and some range I’m gonna backspace down arrow and hit tab and compare that this is a screen tip and the actual descriptions and the screen tips are much more explicit.

Some range criteria range it’s clear which is which so not only has the screen tip more polite but we can do one or more conditions so I tend to use some ifs all the time now for one or two or three conditions now the some range I simply highlight the range there comma criteria range now this is an criteria which means both.

Conditions must be true you can enter them into the sum ifs function in any or do you want I’m gonna say the sales rep column for criteria range come and then the criteria for that column criteria – will be product that’s.

The whole range comma and then the criteria will be criteria to control enter and there we go if we change this of course it will update there aren’t Celia did not sell any product tubes let’s look at our next example hey we’re going to use the sum ifs again but we want to talk about between criteria here’s a column of dates vand we want to count between a lower and upper date so I’m gonna come here and use some ifs the sum range hey.

We’re counting units and guess what the criteria range one and two will both be dates comma and the criteria now notice what we did here I actually typed this out greater than or equal to nine twenty – so this is text but the sum ifs will properly interpret that as greater than or equal to that date.

That is not a serial number sitting in the cell it’s actually text that’ll be our first criteria criteria range two is the date and there is our upper value now notice we’ve included an equal sign there’s no single greater than or equal to or less than or equal there’s two characters.

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